We are finishing the last proof read of the book. We expect a final delivery by mid October.
In order to help us pay the printer, we’re putting this new book on pre-order. That is you pay now, you get it roughly in a month. This will put us back in the black with the bank, and it will also ensure you get a copy: the run is limited to 100 copies! It is full colour, paperback, with 121 A5 pages. The price is £13 or 16 euros, including delivery to everywhere in the world!
To pay, you can do a bank transfer to this account (that’s the most economical way to do it, as we won’t get Paypal fees added). The details are:
Sort code: 772725
Account number: 58254760
Sort code: 772725
Account number: 58254760
Once you’ve paid, send us an email with your delivery details and you’ll get it as soon as we get the goods.
Alternatively, you can use this Paypal button, but there’s a 50p extra